Sunday, November 16, 2008


Yes, the all-too favourite KNOW, WONDER, LEARN is finally making an appearance on my webspace! The amount of new information that is flooding my laptop (and mind) each week is really testing my ability to manage this information overload in different ways. This week, it is going to take the form of a quick and dirty KWL chart.

Unfortunately, this column is going to be quite brief. Here are the things that I know about RSS.
* It stands for Real Simple Syndication
* Google Reader is an RSS
* You must sign up for a reader such as Google Reader to be able to "subscribe" to an RSS feed
* Many websites (including my own blog) have options to subscribe to their feed.
* RSS allow people to consolidate their blog list and or/website updates to one webpage.

* What is an aggregator?
* Will I actually use an RSS on a regular basis?
* How easy will RSS be to use and maintain?
* How will RSS affect the role of TL's in the school?
* How can I promote/teach students and teachers how to use this tool?

* RSS will make my life easier by helping me manage the barrage of new information being posted on my favourite sites.
* An aggregator is a type of software that checks and collects feeds from the websites that a person has subscribed to.
* An aggregator is a way to recieve updates without the added nuisance of spam, advertisements or unsolicited emails.
* An RSS can also be used to locate other websites that are publishing information that have the keywords that are of particular interest to you.
* I have an aggregator on my Blogger Dashboard that allows me to check in with my favourite blogs while I am updating my own.
* RSS feed could help track student's weblogs.
* There are feeds already set up that you can subscribe to!
* There are sample RSS feeds made specifically for educators!
* RSS feeds can be used for on-going professional development
* I can check my friend's Facebook Status's on Google Reader!!!!
* According to 10 Steps to More Productive RSS Feed Reading, you have to constantly streamline your streamlining....

Although this was helpful documenting what I learned this week about RSS feed and blog aggregators, it really doesn't do much for you, my readers. So......if you would like to begin your own journey of RSS feed and blog aggregator learning, here are some great websites to get you started!

A Quick Start Guide for Educators- Will Richardson

Top Ten RSS Feed Readers
Adding RSS Feed to Your Teaching Tool Kit

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Thanks for the quick and dirty KWL on RSS...what do you think are the major advantages of using RSS for yourself and/or your students? Do you plan to use this tool with students or introduce it to your colleagues? How will you do that? Is this a tool that you have found useful? You have peaked my curiosity and I want to learn more about how you reacted to RSS!