Genre: Non-fiction--
Suggested age: 8-13
Author: Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin
ISBN: 9780142414125
Publisher: Puffin
Who would have
thought that a failed attempt to scale K2 would result in a life-changing
mission to bring world peace to all through building schools in remote
villages? Three Cups of Tea is a true
story about just that! Greg Mortenson
wandered into a remote village in Pakistan upon making a wrong turn that could
have turned deadly. The people of this
village nursed him back to health. In
return, Greg promised to come back to build a school for the village’s 84
children so that they could learn indoors with a trained teacher and much
needed resources.
This is the type of
story that I never tire of. The bravery,
perseverance, and resourcefulness of Greg Mortenson is inspiring to readers of
all ages. I also love that this story is
available for all levels of readers in picture book, adult, and young reader