Monday, November 26, 2012

World Book Encyclopedia 2010

World Book Encyclopedia 2010
Genre: Non Fiction/Hardcover
Editor in chief:  Paul A. Kobasa
ISBN: 9780716601104
Publisher:  World Book Inc. 2009
Suggested age: 13-adult

Growing up with print encyclopedias, World Book hardcover will always have a special place in my heart.  The huge list of qualified contributors, editors, and advisers lead me to feel secure in including facts from this source as part of any school project.  As with every new edition of this resource, World Book strives to keep pace with the rapid pace that society is setting for information retrieval.  The 2010 edition advertises that it has expanded its sections on Michelle Obama, wrestling, Kanye West and biofuel, obviously making an effort to follow trending interests.  

The Spinescape® is updated with every edition to rival other print resources found on the library shelf to draw attention to itself.  But, the images within this edition seem to remain unchanged and dated.  I understand that the sources of the images are from respected institutions such as the Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University, but without bright, bold, and eye-catching illustrations, this print edition falls far behind its virtual counterpart and competitors.  In addition, some facts and figures, ie) how advertising money is spent, the information that is being used is from 2006 data where online advertising only accounts for 3.2% !  I’m definitely not an advertising expert, but I have a strong feeling that in the six years since this data has been collected, that number has increased significantly!

In all honestly, although I have the greatest respect for the World Book Institution, I could not see myself using the print edition of this encyclopedia set unless I found myself teaching in a remote posting with very little resources and no internet access for kilometers. 

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